Spiritry is a unique coaching practice that helps individuals and groups build their strengths and achieve desired goals. We combine inner wisdom, spiritual tools, and innovative concepts to help support leaders and the people they are called to serve.

Daughters of the Moon Tarot by Ffiona Morgan.
Traditionally, Autumn is a time of gathering. The season invites us to reflect on our connections to one another and to our ancestors. As we light candles, offer prayers, and break bread, may we continue to discern what's important, what's necessary, and what's not. As we endeavor to not bypass or sidestep the very real issues we are dealing with, let's not lose sight of the fact that our ancestors are well-versed in the language of oppression. Time has not dulled their awareness of the personal and collective challenges that confront us. We haven't forgotten them and they haven't forgotten us. For those who don’t know, a plate of food shared is more than just a plate of food; a candle is more than pretty, and prayers are more than sentiment. Our folks know how to work a word, and turn a simple thing into something profound and powerful. When we break bread, we BREAK BREAD - Let us break the spirit of tyranny in all its forms and expressions. We cannot let it speak without speaking our own words to bind, counter, and reverse it. And we cannot be silent about the healing and strengthening that must continue throughout. Audre Lorde’s speech, The Transformation of Silence Into Language and Action feels like a timely clarion call right now. It’s a time to share stories and memories, highly esteeming the people who inspire us and the souls we cherish. Light peace and progress to the spirit of Audre Lorde, and all our honored dead!
A rhapsody is a musical or literary work that is free-form, marked by deep emotion and a mix of themes, often celebrating beauty and creativity. The rhythm and lyrical quality found in poetry, spoken word, and rap echo the essence of a rhapsody. Both can be evocative, rapturous, and improvisational.
Traditional West African Griots serve as poets, storytellers, historians, praise singers, and musicians. In Yoruba culture, oriki, or praise poems fall under the domain of griots who continue to sing, chant, and recite these poems in honor of Orisa, ancestors, individuals, and familial groups.
This is me not looking not staring God in the face not tracking my package on its way to manifestation in gestation not monitoring the arrival of my visitation nor the progress of my vision the delivery of the prophetic message announcements assigned to me prescribed and certified holy spiritual and metaphysically sound profound deep and other such pronouncements.
I’m minding my own energetic business not living by consensus ignoring prerequisites hoop-jumping red-taping and other religious calisthenics just going with the spirit following intuition mine no signs required I know now how I’m supposed to
It’s me my nose to the grindstone churning out crystallized formations from base materials not blood not sweat not tears but words strung like pearls worlds coming together on their own accord I’m not looking directly into the sun the void the abyss the mist only from the side I’m peering peripherally indirectly correctly out of respect for that part of me that can’t take the full onslaught of blessings given with both hands open with no sorrow added to it so I slide in turn my body to the side and enter diagonally.
This is me standing in a cleft on a rock like Moses knowing I’m covered not looking shielded feeling the glory pass by through me don’t see too much my portion is enough doing my work living my worth birth right
From ‘Dwelling Place’ ©2022 by Ajike Kendrick Asegun
Listen to this poem here
As you gather with loved ones to celebrate the harvest, take a moment to reflect on the gifts you carry from those who shaped your journey. Embrace the wisdom of your ancestors, whose stories echo in your heart, guiding you toward a deeper understanding of your purpose. Set meaningful intentions that resonate with the rhythm of the season. Allow the transformative power of spiritual life coaching to open the door to your unique essence, revealing the clarity that resides within.✦
Blessings, Ajike